The Religious Education classroom is a vibrant, captivating hub of learning. Teachers plan lessons taking individual student needs and backgrounds into consideration they use pedagogies which will engage students. Through using learner-focused pedagogies, literacy rich pedagogies, targeted and collaborative pedagogies and innovative and inquiry pedagogies students' primary religious education provides a deep foundation for their future learning. The teaching of Religious Education at Sacred Heart begins with scripture. Students explore the different worlds of the text and this allows students from Prep to Year Six to develop a deep understanding of the messages within the scripture and translate this to action in their lives.
What we believe about our learners
The content needs to be meaningful and relevant to the learner | Make lessons connect to their lives |
The content needs to be engaging and fun | Create learning experiences that are hands-on and cater to students' learning styles |
Students need to understand the context of the text | Immerse students in the text e.g., through role play |
Learners need a deep understanding of the message of the scripture | Considering learner characteristics and appropriate pedagogies, connect the readings to the students' lives. Use multiple ways of learning and knowing. |
Students come with a core spirituality to be nurtured. Awe and Wonder | Continue to nurture and 'grow' prayer and spirituality |
What learning looks like
When learning about Creation, Year 2 engaged in multiple ways of knowing and exploring God's creations. They learned from their peers who have experience caring for one of God's creations, a guinea pig and a puppy and visited the school garden to eat and enjoy the many delicious creations that grow there. These experiences provided them with the first hand experience of the goodness of God's creations. Their lived experience then inspired their posters to educate the rest of the school I strategies to look after God's creations. Opportunities were provided for them to demonstrate their understanding of God's creations through a STEM activity using Lego.

All images © BCE, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School (2023)