Homework Forum

Last year our parent consultative group discussed a number of issues and one of these is homework. Currently Sacred Heart has a homework policy that reflects the importance of reading and sharing reading with your children. This year our teachers have worked to formalise this process more however we are keen to explore what "homework" means to our staff, students and families at Sacred Heart. As part of this process I would like to host a Homework Forum on June 13th at 6;30pm. This Forum will be hosted face to face as well as having an online component for anyone who can't make it to school on the 13th.

The forum will include some small group discussions and brainstorming about the purpose of homework, what we as a community want to achieve with homework and what "homework" looks like to different families. Our staff will then reflect on this input and how it fits in with pedagogical approach that we have here at Sacred Heart.